Scope of Papers

Papers in the conference must describe original research. Topics of interest include basic theories, principles and techniques of artificial intelligence as well as their applications on fashion and textiles including, but not limited to:

AI Techniques
Big data capture, representation, and analytics
Computer human interaction
Computer Vision
Multidisciplinary AI
Search and optimization
Evolutionary computation
Fuzzy computation
Neural networks
Pattern recognition
Image processing and retrieval
Deep learning
Web/Social media mining
Internet of things
5G technique
Expert systems
Artificial life
Bio-inspired intelligence
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Knowledge management
Multimodal interaction
Planning and scheduling
Games and interactive entertainment
AI Applications
Textile and apparel supply chain modelling
Fashion sales forecasting
Clothing image retrieval and parsing
Production planning and scheduling
Textile material defect detection
Production line-balancing
Wearable devices
Clothing parsing
Retail sales replenishment
Inventory planning and control
3D image modelling for fitting
Textile material color measurement
Fashion and textile design
Pattern design
Dyeing and finishing
Apparel and textile manufacturing and engineering
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